This is a great looking tower defense game that can compete with the best of them, but its presentation leaves me feeling ripped off. More than half of the towers or accessories you can build are locked behind paywalls. Many tower defense games have these "premium" options that can be bought for an advantage, but are not required to make it through the game if you choose not to buy them. This game is different, in that it makes no attempt to separate the paid content from the free. In your toolbar of available towers, a third of them a must be purchased before use. The game repeatedly suggests options for how to effectively defeat multiple enemies, and all of these options must first be bought.
Levels are longer than most other defense games, and its not uncommon to spend 10 minutes on 20 waves and then see a massive leap in toughness of the enemies on the 21st wave, causing you to miss out on that perfect rating without the paid upgrades. Its worth noting that the prices are quite high for what you actually get. Kingdom Rush is a much better defense game that handles micro transactions much more gracefully.
Its like the designers made a great game, and then picked through every piece of it to see how they could further coerce the player into spending money. In the process, most of the fun was sucked out.
TL;DR: This game makes you feel punished for not spending money on it
Sonofthedawn about Radiant Defense